Annuario Internazionale dei libri di Architettura e Design 1997 |
Product code: 115 |
Carlotta Sembenelli - Paolo Fasoli - Silvio San Pietro
From its inception the L'Archivolto bookstore in Milan has been steadily compiling its own comprehensive database of sector publications, from which it has drawn up a list of the more significant titles available and constantly updating the database with new publications issued both in Italy and abroad. The original corpus of the database was published in book form in 1984 as L'Archivolto Libri Nuovi. A first supplement to this was released in 1985, then followed further supplements every six months from September 1986 to December 1990 as L'Archivolto novità, each containing 150-200 new titles. Since 1991 L'Archivolto has published a single volume once yearly, containing over 1,500 new titles of interest on architecture and design. The titles are listed in their original language and accompanied by relative publication data (pp., ills., date, price, etc.) and listed in an index, some with a description of the work's contents, and occasionally the book's cover is reproduced. The exacting format of the Annuario makes it an invaluable tool for architects, designers, businesses, sector operators, and libraries. Furthermore, most of the titles listed can be ordered directly from the L'Archivolto bookstore.
ISBN: 88-7685-092-9
1996, 210 x 297, 60 pp.
b/w illus. Paperback.
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Annuario Internaz...
Annuario Internaz...
Annuario Internaz...