Architettura 1. Bibliographical Cat. of Rare Books |
Product code: 161 |
Francesco Rizzo - Silvio San Pietro
Devoted exclusively to architectural issues, this format of this first catalogue of antique and rare books offers an exhaustive and wide-ranging overview of available titles, including some works not specifically on architecture but with direct relevance to the field (hydraulics, defense engineering, decorative arts, perspective, property rights, etc.). The book contains 100 loose card files including some double, a third of which carry a full-size reproduction of the work discussed on the back.
ISBN: 88-7685-002-3
1983, 170 x 120 oblong, 248 pp.
33 ill. b/n., 100 titles |
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Architettura Nove...
Milano+Luca Beltr...
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Architettura 4. B...