Anna Gili mental bodies |
Product code: 191 |
F. Zille - H. Sachs - M. Erlhoff - P. Righetti - S. Ito - S. Komuro - Silvio San Pietro - Y. Nishikawa
An alternation of images for showing the ample production by Anna Gili, which is not the elevation of a single work but a set of objects helping to realize her inner study, her creative way but overall the language pouring on to us energy and positiveness every day. Her works, among them vases, glasses, exhibits, lamps, furniture, jewels and mosaics, always present in the various ambits of daily life, let appear all the creativeness, the equilibrium and the womanliness of the artist.
ISBN: 88-7685-122-4
2001, 120x165, 164 pp. 150 color ill.
English - Italian paperback. |
Further proposals |
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Toni Cordero
Ritratto di Sotts...
Gabriele De Vecchi
Gabriele Mucchi. ...