New American Houses 2. Sea, country & cities |
Product code: 89 |
Matteo Vercelloni - Paul Warchol - Silvio San Pietro
As with the first in the series, this close-up of contemporary domestic architecture in the USA focuses on a select group of living units, and analyzes each one's various aspects of function, distribution, composition and visual impact, with an eye also to each home's rapport with its surroundings. This rich selection of new designs for single-family homes, whether located in the countryside or on the East Coast shoreline, whether the brainchild of famous or less well-known architects, provides an overview of American interior design today and a cogent confirmation of the extraordinary opportunities afforded by single-family home design in the United States.
ISBN: 88-7685-117-8
2001, 230 x 297, 240 pp., approx. 300 col. illus.
English - Italian, hardback. |
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