New Showrooms & Art Galleries in USA |
Product code: 24 |
Matteo Vercelloni - Paul Warchol - Silvio San Pietro
The present volume showcases twenty-seven projects that include showrooms, art galleries, installations, small museums and modernization schemes for internationally renowned museums, such as the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, all realized in the United States from the end of the 1980's. The projects have never been published or systematically collected in this way. They offer an excellent view into the rich architecture of "exposition" spaces in the USA. Each project is accompanied by a detailed description. Biographies of the designers and technical charts are included.
ISBN: 88-7685-102-X
Edizioni L'Archivolto |
1999, 230 x 297, 224 pp., 228 col. illus. + 63 b/w, English/Italian text, hardback. |
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