New Shops 8 Made in Italy |
Product code: 209 |
Paola Gallo - Silvio San Pietro
This long-running series by Edizioni L'Archivolto has become a regular appointment for many, and as with the previous issues, this new book gives an update on the state of the art in an area of design that is in constant evolution. The retail interiors showcased here - all the work of Italian architects and all high-quality refurbishments of recent date - show that the design of retail interiors seems to concentrate a variety of diverse disciplines which, working in unison, completely revise our idea of display, communication, and sale, in an array of solutions that of stimulation and complexity in high doses.
ISBN: 88-7685-144-5
2005, 210 x 297, 248 pgs.
323 color ill. + drawings
italian - english, hardback
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