Giovanni Muzio. Architetture francescane |
Product code: 63 |
Gianni Mezzanotte - Giovanni Muzio
The work of Giovanni Muzio is based on a non historical interpretation of tradition, on a religious sense of life that postulates an order of a moral, intellectual and practical nature: on the determination to find relations between the new and the spirit of the old, in order to give present meaning to values considered unaltered and unalterable, establishing a modern canon. Muzio's architecture was the kind that requires contemplating before putting into practice. It is proposed as objective fact, as something outside time, being both organism and construction, method and discipline, conscience and reason. Muzio's grasp of Rationalist method and repertoire was solid, but purged of its ideological content. This book gathers unpublished or less common works that had a special destination, such as churches, convents, schools for the Franciscan order, built from 1921 to 1970. With a focus on the development of buildings for worship in the twentieth century, this book covers the evolving architectural types that Muzio explored at various stages of his career.
ISBN: 88-7685-008-2
1974, 210 x 280, 190 pp. 211 sepia illus.
English - Italian Bound in brown cloth with white impressions (drawing by G. Muzio). |
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