Antonio Monestiroli. Modelli di architettura 1972-1982 |
Product code: 177 |
Agostino Renna
The projects by Antonio Monestiroli on exhibit at the Galleria L'Archivolto from 10 May to 18 June 1983 may have disappointed those people who were expecting some awesome novelty, or were more interested in seeing new technical applications within their personal specialization. Monestiroli's work is thought-provoking for those who are not yet entirely decided about architecture and its application in life. If you can set aside the ideological hype and claims to being progressive, and turn instead to the core issues and their solutions, you can begin to recoup some of the values and ideals that were lost along the way, and it is along this path of retrieval that Monestiroli takes us, with his exacting geometry, rigorous symmetrries and delicate harmony, transparent interplay of light and shade, weight of materials. These are the qualities to which architecture must aspire, by which it embodies the very secrets of life we are seeking. Each of the superb scale models illustrated here, crafted by Attilio Francioli, are accompanied by the relative project blueprint.
ISBN: 26
1983, 170 x 234, 32 pp.
24 b/w illus. English - Italian
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